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MFA Fine Art

Kasra Seyed Alikhani

“Ni måste namaste” (you must namaste)

“Ni Måste Namaste” [You must namaste] explores different ideas of home and estrangement and how they relate to fantasies of health and sickness. The construction of a fictional neighbourhood, “Sudden hills”, is imagined through painting and film. Sudden Hills is the stage on which fantasies of luxury and wellness are played out in an omnipresent advertisement drawing inspiration from multiple city development projects. Aside from the health centre branded “Sudden Stillness” this new neighborhood is only present through advertisement and endless construction. Through a yoga-class at Sudden Stillness we are guided through the journey of several characters that share the backdrop of this future vision in the making. 

 “Ni Måste Namaste” [You must namaste] is an experiment in zero budget film-making. Hand-painted backdrops are used as scenography and were also intended to form an installation together with the film. A central painting and character is a 4 x 3 meter billboard painted on polystyrene panels.