Between Me and My World
The purpose of my thesis project is to explore emotionality and sensual awareness through jewelry. I am interested in colour matching, visual image rendering and the potential of contemporary jewelry to express complex emotions. Through the use of 3D printing technology to convert 2D drawings to 3D printed objects and the use of video my objective is to texture movement and emotion. Through this project I am exploring how jewelry is a visual language and how it can reveal the subconscious and hidden nature of our social lives.
I am working on transforming my imagination from abstract emotions to visualize images and objects. The process is a mixed dialogue with digital experiments and crafts. In order to reproduce my fantasy world, my work explores the making of objects. I focused and followed on the transformation process from 2D hand drawings to 3D printed objects by using analogue techniques. I realized the glory of my fantasy through a process of becoming aware which in order to capture the fleeting ‘sparkling moments’ in my life.