An Experiment on Agency #2 without Bodies
Through an immersive audience-activated installation, I am exploring the notion of agency in dilemmatic political situations, where the actor is left with a difficult choice between two or more undesirable alternatives based on the given context – to choose over censorship and freedom of speech in a critical context; to lie, leave, fight, protest, believe, follow, and vote.
Since it was not possible to make my practice public, due to Covid-19, I have decided to finish the installation and install it in a white cube setting in one of the available rooms at the Valand campus. This decision was made to document the current situation, i.e. the lack of an audience and consequently the absence of bodies for the installation.
In particular, this situation has led me to explore one of the areas of work in a more specific way. I am interested in investigating the relationship and conversation around socio-political installation art, the importance of physical presence and public assembly as a political act. This conversation will be developed within the demand to translate projects and conversations into a virtual setting, the restriction on bodies and the power structures taking advantage of these limitations to create more conflicts. Parallel with showing my empty installation, I have started writing an essay about the above mentioned concerns and it will be published in our publication, in October 2020.
In collaboration with sound designer, Merve Erez.