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Kandidatprogrammet i film syftar till att utveckla dina filmiska metoder och tänkande med fokus på undersökande processer. Som student utvecklar du kunskap om hela den filmiska processen där både teknisk färdighet, konstnärlig och teoretisk förmåga ingår. Under det sista året på kandidatprogrammet har studenterna färdigställt varsina egna filmiska projekt som alla hade världspremiär på Göteborg Film Festival i februari 2020. 

Read more about the Bachelor´s Programme in Film Composition:



The two-year master’s programme in Film at HDK-Valand is an education focused on developing your research skills and creative tools for enquiry in and with moving images. The programme defines itself in relation to the world. We encourage you, as a student of the programme, to examine social, cultural, and political image-making, and we facilitate your enquiry and exploration of the medium of film—its ethics and aesthetics.

During their last year at the MFA in Film the students have completed an independent film work for public screening that premiered in relation to Gothenburg Film Festival, February 2020. 

Read more about the Master of Fine Arts Programme in Film:

Sebastian Johansson Micci

Maja Daniels

Sive Hamilton Helle

Tuva Björk

Erika Berg

Isak Mozard

Ese Ejodame

BFA Film BFA Film BFA Film BFA Film

Daniel Aguirre Montoya

Natacha April Souyris

MFA Film MFA Film MFA Film MFA Film MFA Film MFA Film MFA Film

Berivan Erdogan

Matilda Wikingson