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BFA Design

Emmi Eriksson

Översikt över verktygslådans alla komponenter. / Overview of all the components of the toolbox.

Omslag till handboken med alla instruktioner om Krumelur samt bakgrundsinformation. / Cover to the handbook for Krumelur with all the instructions as well as background information.

Utvalda uUtvalda uppslag ur handboken, den finns att läsa i sin helhet onlineppslag ur handboken, den finns att läsa i sin helhet online. /


Feelings, where they come from and what causes them does not always have and easy answer, especially not in a foreign or exposed environment. In those circumstances you might need some help to mediate what you want to say. Krumelur is a communication tool that fosters creativity, balance and safety in a free way without any preconceptions.

Krumelur is designed like a toolkit with a collection of different components made to be used in a variety of exercises. The toolkit contains a set of artefacts that can be split in two and combined with each other, a board, three sets of conversation cards with places, situations and people on them and a handbook. Instructions and other information is collected in the handbook which is composed by interviews from my research as well as different publications from the National Board of Health and Welfare.

The artefacts, that are used in different ways throughout the project, are an abstract interpretation of the eight primary emotions. They are made to help the person using them to communicate thoughts and feelings in an alternative way. The design and the way they are supposed to be used focuses on metaphors and how an emotion is experienced in the body.

The toolkit is to be used within different municipal activities, foremost schools and social services, to foster safe and creative conversations between professionals and cildren. The project helps to flatten the power imbalance between adults and children at the same time as it gives life to information that otherwise is hard to reach and connect to. Krumelur creates a common platform for play and communication where adults and children can meet on equal terms.