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Furniture Design

BFA Programme Wood Oriented Furniture Design

These projects by BFA students at Wood Oriented Furniture Design show various responses to a world in change. Central concepts like materiality as well as spatial- and bodily awareness are discussed and manifested through objects or as installation of artifacts. 

The senses, as extension of the body, played important roles when students have navigated the project at hand, acting as tools of perceiving the world around them. A furniture designer’s skillset also include the ability to formulate and visualize one’s ideas in real life situations, and these projects succeed in doing so despite of an ongoing pandemic. 

We will never know what challenges humanity faces in detail, only that they will bring about change on some fundamental levels. Whether they involve social, economic or environmental changes, the new world will look different. These projects demonstrate an understanding of this fundamental meaning of the design concept – design as a means and tool for managing change.

Read more about the MFA Programme in Wood Oriented Furniture Design:


MFA Programme in Applied Arts and Design, Wood oriented Furniture design

We are pleased to present the exam work from the Master Program in Applied Art and Design from HDK-Valand Steneby.  The Master Program is composed of three specializations: Metal Art, Textile-Body-Space and Wood Oriented Furniture Design.  

The work represents the culmination of two years of investigation and is the result of the students’ individual inquiries into a range of explorations. The students represented in this exhibition come from diverse cultural and aesthetic backgrounds and bring an equally broad range of questions to their work.  We see inquiries related to materiality, process, form, behavior and perception. We see questions related to how to and what if.  We are asked and challenged in our perception and experiences of objects and ideas. We are presented with where they are now in their investigations.  We wish to extend our sincere congratulations to them! 

Jeff Kaller, Program Director – Applied Art and Design 

Read more about the MFA Programme in Applied Arts and Design, Wood oriented Furniture design:

Steneby Applied Arts and Design Master

AlmaQlara Markbo

Joel Stennabb Caesar

Lili Horváth

Oscar Malmberg

BFA Furniture Design BFA Furniture Design BFA Furniture Design BFA Furniture Design BFA Furniture Design BFA Furniture Design

Jonatan Hedetoft

Anna Roth

Yun-Chih, Chen

Andres Mutis

MFA Furniture Design MFA Furniture Design MFA Furniture Design MFA Furniture Design

Oskar Gustafsson

Alice Kettle