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Teacher Education

Art Teachers programme

Art and Culture for all is hard-core 

The vision and strategic goals of the Art Faculty include the ambitious and bold statement: Art and Culture for all! When the students in the Art Teachers program at HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design finalize their degree Master of Education in Visual Art, they become important pieces in a large puzzle to fulfill this vision. This degree will give authorization to teach at the Upper Secondary Level of Education in Visual Art, meaning that these students will be part of shaping of the next generation of art and design students, as well as contributing to the integration of knowledge of visual art into society.  

In their final exam, the students must manage a complex assignment that combines a high level of artistic practice, advanced knowledge about scientific theories and proven experience in the teaching profession. Beyond demonstrating their own knowledge, the students of Art Education are expected to demonstrate how to create, promote and sustain an event of learning in Visual Art for others. The methodology they use connect artistic practice, research and teaching, enabling the students to develop exiting levers to inhabit the professional toolbox of art teachers. These arts-based research methods adds and sustain qualities of integrity, sincerity, and (a)liveliness 

To achieve the important goal of inclusion, constant development of all education is necessary. An inclusive education needs a “Science of Friction”, and the Master students in the Art Teacher program knows how to handle friction. They work to achieve a vision that is hard-core, an art and culture for all! 

Kajsa G. Eriksson, Professor in Visual Art with specialisation in Forms of Visual Art  

Read more about the Teacher education, in Swedish:

Sanna Alevång

Malin Ahlin

Teacher Education Visual Art Teacher Education Visual Art Teacher Education Visual Art

Helene Rydén